Divi Weather


Allows you to access and display current weather data for any location on Earth.

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Divi Weather

Adds a new module to the Divi Builder that allows you to access and display current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities thanks to the powerful (and free) Open Weather Map API.


Divi Weather takes advantage of the built in power of Divi to give you complete control over how the weather is displayed, including:

  • Fahrenheit or Celsius
  • Show a matching weather icon or an image or nothing
  • Style the icon any way you want to match your site
  • Hide/show a weather description to go along with the temperature

Multilingual support

Translations for weather descriptions are provided by the Open Weather Map API and include 33 languages.

Optimized for Speed

To avoid hitting the API on every page load, the plugin has the ability to cache weather data on a location-by-location basis to keep your site loading quickly. The default cache life is 30 minutes but this can be changed in the plugin settings.