Divi Nitro
Boost your page loading speed to improve SEO and your visitor’s user experience.
Category: Admin & Code Vendor: Divi Engine
Divi Nitro
Divi Nitro is a Divi theme specific speed optimisation framework.
Divi Nitro is designed to boost your page loading speed which helps improve SEO and most importantly the visitor’s user experience.
Plugin features:
Image Delivery
- Defer Divi Images
- Defer Divi Background Images
- Defer Images added via the WordPress editor (“add media” button)
- Defer Woocommerce plugin images
- Defer images on Divi/Extra Layout Injector plugin
- Defer images on Taxonomy Layout Injector plugin
Script Minification & Combination
- Minify & Combine JavaScript
- Minify & Combine CSS
- Inline HTML, CSS and JavaScript Minification
- Defer parsing of JavaScript
Speed Up Divi Other Methods
- Disable Divi Google Fonts
- Disable Open sans font that gets added either by WordPress or the Monarch plugin made by Elegant Themes
- Remove Divi Scripts unless you are using the builder on the page or post
Speed Up WordPress Other Methods
- Script Caching
- Remove query strings from static resources
- Disable Woocommerce scripts when you are not directly on a page that needs it. (speeds up other pages like your homepage)
- Remove Un-used WordPress code from header such as RSD, page shortlinks and WordPress Generator
- Remove WordPress Emoji script if you dont need them
Note: US dollar price is approximate because converted from British Pounds