Divi BodyCommerce
Tackles the hard or awkward tasks when building a Woocommerce website with the Divi Theme.
Category: WooCommerce Vendor: Divi Engine
Divi BodyCommerce
An all-in-one plugin that tackles the hard or awkward tasks when building a Woocommerce website with the Divi Theme.
Plugin features:
- Customise the Woocommerce account area using the Divi Builder
- Customise the Woocommerce email template
- Customise the product page template using the Divi Builder, create different layouts for each category or even specify a specific layout for one product only
- Customise the product category/shop template using the Divi Builder
- Customise the login page template using the Divi Builder
- Add a mini cart to your store
- Ajax add to cart for Woocommerce single and variable products
- Custom improved sale badges for Woocommerce
- Product Slider
Note: US dollar price is approximate because converted from British Pounds