Fullwidth Header Extended


40 Animations, Title Effects, Background Effects, Custom scroll down icon and more!

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Fullwidth Header Extended

More than 3000 customers and counting from around the world rely on Divi Fullwidth Header Extended. Featured on ElegantThemes blog topic on 10 Awesome 

Impress your visitors with a whole new experience! The Divi Fullwidth Header Extended module provides a comprehensive suite of header customizations that helps you easily create dynamic text effects, image effects, background animations and more.

Divi Fullwidth Header Extended module brings you 5 title text effects to play around with. You can choose to have purely typing, rotator, textillate, TextGIF, shuffle effect or some static text in front while typing/rotator effect following after it at the same time.

Use a Fancy Line to bring attention to your title. Toggle the line on top or bottom of the title, change the color and alignment, have fun and see what works best for you. You can also easily add a sub-header and toggle it to be above or below the header title.

Divi Fullwidth Header Extended module also provides you the capability to animate your background with the latest particles effect, background gradient or an animated gradient effect. It’s up to your creativity.

Want a search input right on the header or even a video popup? We’ve taken care of that.

Custom scroll down icon/image? We’ve taken care of that.

Last but not least, Divi Fullwidth Header Extended module is packed with a total of 49 animations which you can apply to the entire content or set individually on title, subheading, content, buttons and scroll down icon!

We’ve done the hard part. So now, as the saying goes, it’s up to your creativity. Enjoy the Divi Fullwidth Header Extended module!

FREE: Added a free Fullwidth Text Extended module!

5 Title effects:

You can choose to have purely typing, rotator, textillate, TextGIF or shuffle effect or some static text in front while typing/rotator effect following after it at the same time.

Typing Effect

  • You can define the speed of the typing speed
  • Delay the time of effect
  • Delay the time before backspacing
  • Enable/Disable looping effect
  • Change the color of typing font
  • Change the color of the backspace

Rotator Effect(Lots of Animation)

  • You can define the speed of the rotator speed
  • Change the color of rotator font

Textillate Effect

  • Many Animation for In and Out Animation Effects
  • 4 Types of animation type (Sequence, Reverse, Sync and Shuffle) for In and Out Effect

TextGIF Effect

  • TextGIF effect to make your text like a hole in the page by using gif images
  • Add image background effect

Shuffle Effect

  • Shuffle effect add shuffle effect to title, by flipping each letter of your text with sequential characters

Fancy Line on Title

  • You can select to choose before or after the title
  • Text alignment and line alignment
  • Line spacing on the top and bottom
  • Set line color

Search Input

  • Custom Styles for Search Input
  • Choose search type: Default Posts/Pages or WooCommerce

7 Background Effects:

  • Particles Background Effect – Options such as (Number of Particles, Particle Size, Shape of the Particles(Circle, Triangle,Edge, Polygon, Star), Particle Line Linked Width, Particle Movement Speed, Particle Color)
  • Moving Particles Background Effect – The particles will follow your mouse cursor as you move
  • 5 types of background gradient
  • Animated Gradient Background Effect(Solid or Transparent)
  • Ken Burns Background Effect – Apply Ken Burns effect to the background image with option such as (Zoom In, Zoom In Left, Zoom In Right, Zoomout, Zoomout Left, Zoomout Right)
  • Interactive Background Effect – This will move your background image on mouse move.
  • Wave Animation Effect – Able to change color, speed, amplitude and height.

Slicey Effect

  • This will replicate boxes from the background URL you provided with the same background image and make these boxes move in perspective towards the viewer. This will spice up and add some jazz to background image. Note: This might not work with older browsers. (Inspired by Filippo Bello’s Portfolio)

Subheading before or after title

  • You can set subheading to be before or after the title. More flexible now.

49 Animations to choose from

  • Set animation on the whole section
  • Set animation/delay effect on title, sub heading, image, content, buttons and scroll down buttons

Video Popup

  • Video links will be taken from button one or button two input
  • On click popup on button one, button two or both

Content Popup

  • Header Background and Header Text, Show Title, Content, Background image or buttons with Advanced Styling
  • On click popup on button one, button two or both
  • Fullscreen Popup
  • Header Background Image and Header Title
  • Trigger Animation In and Out of the Popup

Text Gradient

  • Apply Gradient to Title, Sub Heading and Content

Basic Separator

  • Separator Type(Triangles, Half Circle, Multi Triangles, Diagonal)
  • Advanced Settings such as color, before or after section

Wider Mobile Space Option

  • You can a wider width space on mobile. Very useful if you have many text on the content area or long button text. This will adjust the width to 95%.

Video URL

  • If you add a video URL, it will appear to the right of your content.
  • Video On Mobile – As the size of the screen gets smaller on mobile devices, screen real estate becomes more precious. Sometimes it’s a good idea to disable some less important header elements to reduce the size of the header and make it more readable. Enabling this setting will show videos on mobile (they are disabled by default).

Auto Fetch Content

  • Auto Title – Fetch Page/Post Title automatically
  • Auto Excerpt – Fetch Page/Post Excerpt automatically
  • Featured Image as Background Image – Fetch Featured Image from your post/page automatically and set as Background